►NDrake | NOTE: The contents of this class are for the most part direct ports of drake/systems/plants//inverseKinBackend.m from Matlab to C++; many methods and variables follow Matlab conventions and are documented in that file |
►Ninternal | |
CCombinedVectorHelper | |
CCombinedVectorHelper< Vector1, Vector2, true > | |
CCreateStateVectorDispatch | |
CCreateStateVectorDispatch< System, Scalar, typename std::enable_if< is_combined_vector< typename System::template StateVector< Scalar > >::value >::type > | |
CCreateStateVectorDispatch< System, Scalar, typename std::enable_if< is_eigen_vector< typename System::template StateVector< Scalar > >::value >::type > | |
CInitializeAutoDiffTupleHelper | Helper for initializeAutoDiffTuple function (recursive) |
CInitializeAutoDiffTupleHelper< 0 > | Helper for initializeAutoDiffTuple function (base case) |
CLCMInputSystem | |
CLCMInputSystem< Vector, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void< typename Vector< double >::LCMMessageType >::value >::type > | |
CLCMLoop | |
CLCMOutputSystem | |
CLCMOutputSystem< Vector, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void< typename Vector< double >::LCMMessageType >::value >::type > | |
CNumInputsDispatch | |
CNumInputsDispatch< System, true > | |
CNumOutputsDispatch | |
CNumOutputsDispatch< System, true > | |
CNumStatesDispatch | |
CNumStatesDispatch< System, true > | |
CRandomVectorDispatch | |
CRandomVectorDispatch< System, typename std::enable_if< System::template StateVector< double >::RowsAtCompileTime== Eigen::Dynamic >::type > | |
CResizeDerivativesToMatchScalarImpl | |
CResizeDerivativesToMatchScalarImpl< Derived, Eigen::AutoDiffScalar< DerivType > > | |
CSizeDispatch | |
CSizeDispatch< VecType, typename std::enable_if< VecType::RowsAtCompileTime== Eigen::Dynamic >::type > | |
CTotalSizeAtCompileTime | Helper for totalSizeAtCompileTime function (recursive) |
CTotalSizeAtCompileTime< Head > | Helper for totalSizeAtCompileTime function (base case) |
CTupleToMexHelper | |
CTupleToMexHelper< 0 > | |
►Nsystems | |
►Nplants | |
CKinematicsCacheHelper | Helper class to avoid recalculating a kinematics cache which is going to be used repeatedly by multiple other classes |
CQuasiStaticConstraintWrapper | |
CSingleTimeKinematicConstraintWrapper | |
CAdditiveGaussianNoiseModel | GaussianNoiseModel |
CAffineSystem | AffineSystem<StateVector, InputVector, OutputVector> |
CBotVisualizer | BotVisualizer<RobotStateVector> |
CCascadeSystem | CascadeSystem<System1,System2> |
CCombinedVector | Operator<<() |
CCombinedVectorUtil | CombinedVectorUtil |
CCombinedVectorUtil< Vector1, Vector2, typename std::enable_if< Vector1< double >::RowsAtCompileTime==0 >::type > | |
CEigenVector | EigenVector<Rows>::type<ScalarType> |
CFeedbackSystem | FeedbackSystem<System1,System2> |
CFunctionTraits | FunctionTraits |
CFunctionTraits< std::reference_wrapper< F > > | |
CFunctionTraits< std::shared_ptr< F > > | |
CFunctionTraits< std::unique_ptr< F > > | |
CGain | |
CInputOutputRelation | InputOutputRelation |
Cis_combined_vector | Whether or not the given type is a CombinedVector |
Cis_combined_vector< CombinedVector< Scalar, Vector1, Vector2 > > | |
Cis_eigen_vector | Whether or not the given type is an Eigen column vector |
Cis_eigen_vector< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, 1, Options, MaxRows, 1 > > | |
CLinearSystem | |
CNoiseModel | NoiseModel |
CPDControlSystem | PDControlSystem<System> |
CRigidBodyAccelerometer | RigidBodyAccelerometer |
CRigidBodyDepthSensor | RigidBodyDepthSensor |
CRigidBodyForceElement | RigidBodyForceElement |
CRigidBodyGyroscope | RigidBodyGyroscope |
CRigidBodyMagnetometer | RigidBodyMagnetometer |
CRigidBodyPropellor | RigidBodyPropellor |
CRigidBodySensor | An abstract parent class of all sensors |
CRigidBodySpringDamper | RigidBodySpringDamper |
CRigidBodySystem | Implements the System concept by wrapping the RigidBodyTree algorithms with additional sensors and actuators/forces |
CSimulationOptions | |
►Ndrake | |
►Ncore | |
►Ntest | |
CPendulumInput | A simple Drake input for unit testing |
CPendulumState | A simple Drake state for unit testing |
►Nmath | |
CAutoDiffToGradientMatrix | |
CAutoDiffToValueMatrix | |
CGradient | |
CGradient< Derived, Nq, 1 > | |
►Nparsers | |
►Nsolvers | |
CBoundingBoxConstraint | Implements a constraint of the form lb <= x <= ub |
CConstraint | A constraint is a function + lower and upper bounds |
CDecisionVariable | DecisionVariable |
CDecisionVariableView | |
CEqualityConstrainedQPSolver | |
CIpoptSolver | |
CLinearComplementarityConstraint | Implements a constraint of the form: |
CLinearConstraint | Implements a constraint of the form lb <= Ax <= ub |
CLinearEqualityConstraint | Implements a constraint of the form Ax = b |
CLinearSystemSolver | |
CMathematicalProgram | A class for characterizing a mathematical program and choosing a solver |
CMathematicalProgramSolverInterface | Interface used by implementations of individual solvers |
CMobyLCPSolver | |
CNloptSolver | |
►COptimizationProblem | |
CSolverData | |
CPolynomialConstraint | Lb[i] <= Pi <= ub[i], where each P[i] is a multivariate polynomial in x, y.. |
CQuadraticConstraint | Lb <= .5 x'Qx + b'x <= ub |
CSnoptSolver | |
CSystemIdentification | Utility functions for system identification |
►Nsystems | |
►Nplants | |
►Ntest | |
CAbstractContext3 | An abstract superclass for the Context3 objects for dynamical systems, encapsulating functionality that is independent of the numerical scalar type in use |
CAbstractSystem3 | An abstract superclass for dynamical systems, encapsulating functionality that is independent of the numerical scalar type in use |
CAbstractSystemInterface | A fully type-erased abstract superclass for dynamical systems |
CAbstractValue | A fully type-erased container class |
CAdder | An adder for arbitrarily many inputs of equal length |
CAdder3 | An adder for arbitrarily many vector-valued inputs of equal length |
CBasicStateVector | BasicStateVector is a concrete class template that implements StateVector in a convenient manner for leaf Systems, by owning and wrapping a VectorInterface<T> |
CBasicVector | BasicVector is a semantics-free wrapper around an Eigen vector that satisfies VectorInterface |
CCache | |
CCacheEntry | Each cache entry contains: |
CCascade3 | A Cascade is a concrete SystemDiagram containing exactly two compatible subsystems with the output of the first serving as input to the second |
CContext | The Context is a container for all of the data necessary to uniquely determine the computations performed by a System |
CContext3 | The context is a container for all data necessary to uniquely determine the results of computations performed by a System |
CContinuousState | The ContinuousState is a container for all the State variables that are unique to continuous Systems, i.e |
CContinuousSystem | An abstract base class template for Systems that have continuous dynamics |
CContinuousSystemInterface | A template interface for Systems that have continuous dynamics |
CDependentInputPort | The DependentInputPort wraps a pointer to the OutputPort of a System for use as an input to another System |
CDiagram3 | A Diagram is a concrete System that contains other System objects as subsystems and wires them together, but adds no new content |
CDynamicConstraint | Provides a base implementation and interface for a dynamic constraint (which is intended to be used with trajectory optimization, but is not specific to that purpose) |
CFreestandingInputPort | The FreestandingInputPort encapsulates a vector of data for use as an input to a System |
CGain3 | Multiply the single vector input by a scalar and present the result as the single output port |
CInputEntryFinder | There is one of these corresponding to every InputPort3 in the System3 that created the containing Context3 |
CInputPort | The InputPort describes a single input to a System, from another System or from an external driver |
CInputPort3 | An InputPort3 represents an external data input to a System |
CInputPortFinder | A system diagram may inherit an input port from one of its contained subsystems, which will know that port by a different port number than we will use here |
CLeafStateVector | LeafStateVector is an abstract class template that implements StateVector for leaf Systems, i.e |
COutputEntryFinder | There is one of these corresponding to every OutputPort3 in the System3 that created the containing Context3 |
COutputPort | An OutputPort represents a data output from a System |
COutputPort3 | An OutputPort3 represents a data output from a System |
COutputPortFinder | See InputPortFinder for information |
COutputPortListenerInterface | OutputPortListenerInterface is an interface that consumers of an output port must satisfy to receive notifications when the value on that output port changes |
CState | The State is a container for all the data comprising the complete state of a particular System at a particular moment |
CStateSubvector | StateSubvector is a concrete class template that implements StateVector by providing a sliced view of a StateVector |
CStateVector | StateVector is an abstract base class template for vector quantities within the state of a System |
CStepInfo | Contains information about the independent variable including time and step number |
CSystem3 | A superclass template for systems that use a specified scalar type T for numerical values |
CSystemDynamicConstraint | Implements a dynamic constraint which uses the dynamics function of a system |
CSystemInterface | A superclass template for systems that receive input, maintain state, and produce numerical output using a specified scalar type T |
CSystemOutput | A container for all the output ports of a System |
CValue | A container class for an arbitrary type T |
CValueListenerInterface | ValueListenerInterface is an interface that dependent computations must implement so that they can receive notifications when a prerequisite value is modified |
CValueListenerList | A ValueListenerList object maintains a list of value listeners that have registered to receive notification of value changes from the holder of that list |
CVectorConstant3 | This System produces a constant VectorInterface value on its single OutputPort |
CVectorInputPort3 | A VectorInputPort3 extends InputPort3 with the restriction that only VectorOutputPort3 connections are acceptable, and the value will be of type VectorInterface |
CVectorInterface | VectorInterface is a pure abstract interface that real-valued signals between Systems must satisfy |
CVectorObject | This concrete class provides object semantics to an abstract VectorInterface by implementing a copy constructor and copy assignment using the VectorInterface's Clone() method |
CVectorOutputPort | The OutputPort represents a data output from a System |
CVectorOutputPort3 | Extends OutputPort3 for cases where the OutputPort3 is known to be vector-valued, with scalar elements of template type T |
►CFunctionalForm | Represent an abstract form of a function of zero or more variables |
CVariable | Represent a variable in a FunctionalForm |
CVariables | Represent a set of Variable instances |
CNAryState | NAryState is a Drake::Vector (concept implementation) which is a container of zero or more component Drake::Vector instances |
CNArySystem | A System which aggregates multiple instances of a UnitSystem system |
CNiceTypeName | Obtains canonicalized, platform-independent, human-readable names for arbitrarily-complicated C++ types |
►NDrakeCollision | |
CBulletCollisionWorldWrapper | |
CBulletModel | |
CElement | |
CModel | |
COverlapFilterCallback | |
CPointPair | Structure containing the results of a collision query |
CUnknownShapeException | |
►NDrakeShapes | |
CBox | |
CCapsule | |
CCylinder | |
CElement | |
CGeometry | |
CMesh | |
CMeshPoints | |
CSphere | |
CVisualElement | |
CAllBodiesClosestDistanceConstraint | |
CAttachment | |
CBodyMotionData | |
CBodyMotionParams | |
CBounds | |
CbtOverlapFilterCallback | |
CConstraintMatrixSingularError | |
CContinuityConstraint | |
CDesiredBodyAcceleration | |
CDHomogTrans | |
CDrakeJoint | |
CDrakeJointImpl | |
CDrakeMexPointerTypeId | |
CDrakeMexPointerTypeId< KinematicsCache< DrakeJoint::AutoDiffFixedMaxSize > > | |
CDrakeMexPointerTypeId< KinematicsCache< Eigen::AutoDiffScalar< Eigen::VectorXd > > > | |
CDrakeMexPointerTypeId< KinematicsCache< double > > | |
CDrakeMexPointerTypeId< RigidBodyTree > | |
CDrakeRobotState | |
CEulerConstraint | |
CExponentialPlusPiecewisePolynomial | Y(t) = K * exp(A * (t - t_j)) * alpha.col(j) + piecewise_polynomial_part(t) |
CFixedAxisOneDoFJoint | |
CFixedJoint | |
CForceTorqueMeasurement | |
CGazeConstraint | |
CGazeDirConstraint | |
CGazeOrientConstraint | |
CGazeTargetConstraint | |
CGetSubMatrixGradientArray | |
CGetSubMatrixGradientSingleElement | |
CGravityCompensationTorqueConstraint | |
CHardwareGains | |
CHardwareParams | |
CHelicalJoint | |
CIKoptions | |
CIKResults | |
CInstantaneousQPController | |
CIntegratorParams | |
CJointNames | |
CJointSoftLimitParams | |
CKinematicModifications | |
CKinematicPath | |
CKinematicsCache | |
CKinematicsCacheElement | |
CKneeSettings | |
CLCMScope | |
CMatGradMult | |
CMatGradMultMat | |
Cmeasure | |
CMexWrapper | |
CMinDistanceConstraint | |
CMultipleTimeKinematicConstraint | |
CMultipleTimeLinearPostureConstraint | |
CPIDOutput | |
CPiecewiseFunction | |
CPiecewisePolynomial | A scalar multi-variate piecewise polynomial |
CPiecewisePolynomialBase | |
CPoint | |
CPoint2LineSegDistConstraint | |
CPoint2PointDistanceConstraint | |
►CPolynomial | A scalar multi-variate polynomial, modeled after the msspoly in spotless |
CMonomial | An additive atom of a Polynomial: The product of any number of Terms and a coefficient |
CProduct | |
CTerm | An individual variable raised to an integer power; e.g. x**2 |
CPositionConstraint | |
CPositionIndices | |
CPostureChangeConstraint | |
CPostureConstraint | |
CPrismaticJoint | |
CQPControllerDebugData | |
CQPControllerOutput | |
CQPControllerParams | |
CQPControllerState | |
CQPLocomotionPlan | |
CQPLocomotionPlanSettings | |
CQuadraticLyapunovFunction | |
CQuasiStaticConstraint | Center of Mass (CoM) is within the support polygon |
CQuatConstraint | |
CQuaternionFloatingJoint | |
CRelativeGazeDirConstraint | |
CRelativeGazeTargetConstraint | |
CRelativePositionConstraint | |
CRelativeQuatConstraint | |
CRevoluteJoint | |
►CRigidBody | |
CCollisionElement | |
CRigidBodyActuator | |
CRigidBodyConstraint | Base class |
CRigidBodyFrame | |
CRigidBodyLoop | |
CRigidBodySupportStateElement | |
CRigidBodyTree | |
CRobotJointIndexMap | |
CRobotPropertyCache | |
CRollPitchYawFloatingJoint | |
CSide | |
CSingleTimeKinematicConstraint | |
CSingleTimeLinearPostureConstraint | |
CSplineInformation | |
CSupportStateElement | |
CTransformSpatial | |
►CTrigPoly | A scalar multi-variate polynomial containing sines and cosines |
CProduct | |
CSinCosVars | |
CTVLQRData | |
CValueConstraint | |
CVRefIntegratorParams | |
CWholeBodyParams | |
CWorldCoMConstraint | |
CWorldEulerConstraint | |
CWorldFixedBodyPoseConstraint | |
CWorldFixedOrientConstraint | |
CWorldFixedPositionConstraint | |
CWorldGazeDirConstraint | |
CWorldGazeOrientConstraint | |
CWorldGazeTargetConstraint | |
CWorldPositionConstraint | |
CWorldPositionInFrameConstraint | |
CWorldQuatConstraint | |