IKoptions Class Reference

#include <drake/systems/plants/IKoptions.h>

Public Member Functions

 IKoptions (RigidBodyTree *robot)
 IKoptions (const IKoptions &rhs)
 ~IKoptions (void)
RigidBodyTreegetRobotPtr () const
void setQ (const Eigen::MatrixXd &Q)
void setQa (const Eigen::MatrixXd &Qa)
void setQv (const Eigen::MatrixXd &Qv)
void setDebug (bool flag)
void setSequentialSeedFlag (bool flag)
void setMajorOptimalityTolerance (double tol)
void setMajorFeasibilityTolerance (double tol)
void setSuperbasicsLimit (int limit)
void setMajorIterationsLimit (int limit)
void setIterationsLimit (int limit)
void setFixInitialState (bool flag)
void setq0 (const Eigen::VectorXd &lb, const Eigen::VectorXd &ub)
void setqd0 (const Eigen::VectorXd &lb, const Eigen::VectorXd &ub)
void setqdf (const Eigen::VectorXd &lb, const Eigen::VectorXd &ub)
void setAdditionaltSamples (const Eigen::RowVectorXd &t_samples)
void updateRobot (RigidBodyTree *new_robot)
void getQ (Eigen::MatrixXd &Q) const
void getQa (Eigen::MatrixXd &Qa) const
void getQv (Eigen::MatrixXd &Qv) const
bool getDebug () const
bool getSequentialSeedFlag () const
double getMajorOptimalityTolerance () const
double getMajorFeasibilityTolerance () const
int getSuperbasicsLimit () const
int getMajorIterationsLimit () const
int getIterationsLimit () const
void getAdditionaltSamples (Eigen::RowVectorXd &additional_tSamples) const
bool getFixInitialState () const
void getq0 (Eigen::VectorXd &lb, Eigen::VectorXd &ub) const
void getqd0 (Eigen::VectorXd &lb, Eigen::VectorXd &ub) const
void getqdf (Eigen::VectorXd &lb, Eigen::VectorXd &ub) const

Protected Member Functions

void setDefaultParams (RigidBodyTree *robot)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IKoptions ( RigidBodyTree robot)
IKoptions ( const IKoptions rhs)
~IKoptions ( void  )

Member Function Documentation

void getAdditionaltSamples ( Eigen::RowVectorXd &  additional_tSamples) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool getDebug ( ) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool getFixInitialState ( ) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int getIterationsLimit ( ) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double getMajorFeasibilityTolerance ( ) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int getMajorIterationsLimit ( ) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double getMajorOptimalityTolerance ( ) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void getQ ( Eigen::MatrixXd &  Q) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void getq0 ( Eigen::VectorXd &  lb,
Eigen::VectorXd &  ub 
) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void getQa ( Eigen::MatrixXd &  Qa) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void getqd0 ( Eigen::VectorXd &  lb,
Eigen::VectorXd &  ub 
) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void getqdf ( Eigen::VectorXd &  lb,
Eigen::VectorXd &  ub 
) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void getQv ( Eigen::MatrixXd &  Qv) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

RigidBodyTree * getRobotPtr ( ) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool getSequentialSeedFlag ( ) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int getSuperbasicsLimit ( ) const

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setAdditionaltSamples ( const Eigen::RowVectorXd &  t_samples)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setDebug ( bool  flag)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setDefaultParams ( RigidBodyTree robot)

Here is the call graph for this function:

void setFixInitialState ( bool  flag)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setIterationsLimit ( int  limit)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setMajorFeasibilityTolerance ( double  tol)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setMajorIterationsLimit ( int  limit)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setMajorOptimalityTolerance ( double  tol)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setQ ( const Eigen::MatrixXd &  Q)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setq0 ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  lb,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  ub 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setQa ( const Eigen::MatrixXd &  Qa)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setqd0 ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  lb,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  ub 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setqdf ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  lb,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  ub 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setQv ( const Eigen::MatrixXd &  Qv)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setSequentialSeedFlag ( bool  flag)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setSuperbasicsLimit ( int  limit)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void updateRobot ( RigidBodyTree new_robot)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: