Drake's C++ library is divided into data-structures (Vectors, Dynamical Systems, ...) and algorithms which operate on those structures. Those algorithms are grouped into the following categories:
For more general information, you can also visit the Drake documentation main page
Drake's C++ libraries use template metaprogramming to enable more advanced features (autodiff, symbolic computation, etc). We have tried to avoid users having to be expert template programmers, but this is a good reference if you'd like to learn more about generic programming.
If you want to make your own doxygen locally, run make doxygen in the root drake directory. You may need to install doxygen (e.g., with sudo apt-get install doxygen on Ubuntu).
Check out the Doxygen C++ documentation
Drake's doxygen documentation for the master branch is automatically updated on every push to the github repository, so it should always be up to date.
Brought to you by the MIT Robot Locomotion Group: http://groups.csail.mit.edu/locomotion/