Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAbstractContext3An abstract superclass for the Context3 objects for dynamical systems, encapsulating functionality that is independent of the numerical scalar type in use
 CAbstractSystem3An abstract superclass for dynamical systems, encapsulating functionality that is independent of the numerical scalar type in use
 CAbstractSystemInterfaceA fully type-erased abstract superclass for dynamical systems
 CAbstractValueA fully type-erased container class
 CAffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >AffineSystem<StateVector, InputVector, OutputVector>
 CAffineSystem< NullVector, InputVec, OutputVec >
 CAutoDiffToGradientMatrix< Derived >
 CAutoDiffToValueMatrix< Derived >
 CBotVisualizer< RobotStateVector >BotVisualizer<RobotStateVector>
 CCache< T >
 CCache< double >
 CCascadeSystem< System1, System2 >CascadeSystem<System1,System2>
 CCombinedVector< ScalarType, Vector1, Vector2 >Operator<<()
 CCombinedVectorHelper< Vector1, Vector2, Vec2IsNull >
 CCombinedVectorHelper< Vector1, Vector2, true >
 CCombinedVectorUtil< Vector1, Vector2, Vec1IsNull >CombinedVectorUtil
 CCombinedVectorUtil< Vector1, Vector2, typename std::enable_if< Vector1< double >::RowsAtCompileTime==0 >::type >
 CConstraintA constraint is a function + lower and upper bounds
 CContext< T >The Context is a container for all of the data necessary to uniquely determine the computations performed by a System
 CContext< double >
 CContinuousState< T >The ContinuousState is a container for all the State variables that are unique to continuous Systems, i.e
 CContinuousState< double >
 CCreateStateVectorDispatch< System, Scalar, Enable >
 CCreateStateVectorDispatch< System, Scalar, typename std::enable_if< is_combined_vector< typename System::template StateVector< Scalar > >::value >::type >
 CCreateStateVectorDispatch< System, Scalar, typename std::enable_if< is_eigen_vector< typename System::template StateVector< Scalar > >::value >::type >
 CDHomogTrans< DerivedQdotToV >
 CDrakeMexPointerTypeId< T >
 CDrakeMexPointerTypeId< KinematicsCache< DrakeJoint::AutoDiffFixedMaxSize > >
 CDrakeMexPointerTypeId< KinematicsCache< Eigen::AutoDiffScalar< Eigen::VectorXd > > >
 CDrakeMexPointerTypeId< KinematicsCache< double > >
 CDrakeMexPointerTypeId< RigidBodyTree >
 CEigenVector< Rows >EigenVector<Rows>::type<ScalarType>
 CexceptionSTL class
 CFeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >FeedbackSystem<System1,System2>
 CFunctionalFormRepresent an abstract form of a function of zero or more variables
 CFunctionTraits< F >FunctionTraits
 CFunctionTraits< std::reference_wrapper< F > >
 CFunctionTraits< std::shared_ptr< F > >
 CFunctionTraits< std::unique_ptr< F > >
 CGetSubMatrixGradientArray< QSubvectorSize, Derived, NRows, NCols >
 CGetSubMatrixGradientSingleElement< QSubvectorSize, Derived >
 CGradient< Derived, Nq, DerivativeOrder >
 CGradient< Derived, Nq, 1 >
 CInitializeAutoDiffTupleHelper< Index >Helper for initializeAutoDiffTuple function (recursive)
 CInitializeAutoDiffTupleHelper< 0 >Helper for initializeAutoDiffTuple function (base case)
 CInputEntryFinderThere is one of these corresponding to every InputPort3 in the System3 that created the containing Context3
 CInputPort3An InputPort3 represents an external data input to a System
 CInputPortFinderA system diagram may inherit an input port from one of its contained subsystems, which will know that port by a different port number than we will use here
 CKinematicsCache< Scalar >
 CKinematicsCache< double >
 CKinematicsCacheElement< Scalar >
 CKinematicsCacheHelper< Scalar >Helper class to avoid recalculating a kinematics cache which is going to be used repeatedly by multiple other classes
 CKinematicsCacheHelper< double >
 CLCMInputSystem< Vector, Enable >
 CLCMInputSystem< Vector, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void< typename Vector< double >::LCMMessageType >::value >::type >
 CLCMOutputSystem< Vector, Enable >
 CLCMOutputSystem< Vector, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void< typename Vector< double >::LCMMessageType >::value >::type >
 CMatGradMult< DerivedDA, DerivedB >
 CMatGradMultMat< DerivedA, DerivedB, DerivedDA >
 CMathematicalProgramA class for characterizing a mathematical program and choosing a solver
 CMathematicalProgramSolverInterfaceInterface used by implementations of individual solvers
 Cmeasure< TimeT >
 CPolynomial< _CoefficientType >::MonomialAn additive atom of a Polynomial: The product of any number of Terms and a coefficient
 CNAryState< UnitVector >NAryState is a Drake::Vector (concept implementation) which is a container of zero or more component Drake::Vector instances
 CNArySystem< UnitSystem >A System which aggregates multiple instances of a UnitSystem system
 CNiceTypeNameObtains canonicalized, platform-independent, human-readable names for arbitrarily-complicated C++ types
 CNoiseModel< ScalarType, Dimension, Derived >NoiseModel
 CNumInputsDispatch< System, Enable >
 CNumInputsDispatch< System, true >
 CNumOutputsDispatch< System, Enable >
 CNumOutputsDispatch< System, true >
 CNumStatesDispatch< System, Enable >
 CNumStatesDispatch< System, true >
 COutputEntryFinderThere is one of these corresponding to every OutputPort3 in the System3 that created the containing Context3
 COutputPortAn OutputPort represents a data output from a System
 COutputPort3An OutputPort3 represents a data output from a System
 COutputPortFinderSee InputPortFinder for information
 COutputPortListenerInterfaceOutputPortListenerInterface is an interface that consumers of an output port must satisfy to receive notifications when the value on that output port changes
 CPDControlSystem< System >PDControlSystem<System>
 CPendulumInput< ScalarType >A simple Drake input for unit testing
 CPendulumState< ScalarType >A simple Drake state for unit testing
 CPointPairStructure containing the results of a collision query
 CPolynomial< _CoefficientType >A scalar multi-variate polynomial, modeled after the msspoly in spotless
 CPolynomial< CoefficientType >
 CPolynomial< _CoefficientType >::Product< Rhs, Lhs >
 CTrigPoly< _CoefficientType >::Product< Rhs, Lhs >
 CRandomVectorDispatch< System, Enable >
 CRandomVectorDispatch< System, typename std::enable_if< System::template StateVector< double >::RowsAtCompileTime== Eigen::Dynamic >::type >
 CResizeDerivativesToMatchScalarImpl< Derived, Scalar >
 CResizeDerivativesToMatchScalarImpl< Derived, Eigen::AutoDiffScalar< DerivType > >
 CRigidBodyConstraintBase class
 CRigidBodySensorAn abstract parent class of all sensors
 CRigidBodySystemImplements the System concept by wrapping the RigidBodyTree algorithms with additional sensors and actuators/forces
 CTrigPoly< _CoefficientType >::SinCosVars
 CSizeDispatch< VecType, Enable >
 CSizeDispatch< VecType, typename std::enable_if< VecType::RowsAtCompileTime== Eigen::Dynamic >::type >
 CState< T >The State is a container for all the data comprising the complete state of a particular System at a particular moment
 CState< double >
 CStateVector< T >StateVector is an abstract base class template for vector quantities within the state of a System
 CStateVector< double >
 CStepInfo< T >Contains information about the independent variable including time and step number
 CStepInfo< double >
 CSystemIdentification< CoefficientType >Utility functions for system identification
 CSystemOutput< T >A container for all the output ports of a System
 CPolynomial< _CoefficientType >::TermAn individual variable raised to an integer power; e.g. x**2
 CTotalSizeAtCompileTime< Head, Tail >Helper for totalSizeAtCompileTime function (recursive)
 CTotalSizeAtCompileTime< Head >Helper for totalSizeAtCompileTime function (base case)
 CTransformSpatial< Derived >
 CTrigPoly< _CoefficientType >A scalar multi-variate polynomial containing sines and cosines
 CTupleToMexHelper< Index >
 CTupleToMexHelper< 0 >
 CValueListenerInterfaceValueListenerInterface is an interface that dependent computations must implement so that they can receive notifications when a prerequisite value is modified
 CValueListenerListA ValueListenerList object maintains a list of value listeners that have registered to receive notification of value changes from the holder of that list
 CFunctionalForm::VariableRepresent a variable in a FunctionalForm
 CFunctionalForm::VariablesRepresent a set of Variable instances
 CVectorInterface< T >VectorInterface is a pure abstract interface that real-valued signals between Systems must satisfy
 CVectorInterface< int >
 CVectorObject< T >This concrete class provides object semantics to an abstract VectorInterface by implementing a copy constructor and copy assignment using the VectorInterface's Clone() method