parser_urdf.cc File Reference
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void AddRobotFromURDFString (const std::string &urdf_string, RigidBodyTree *tree)
 Adds a URDF model to a rigid body system. More...
void AddRobotFromURDFString (const string &urdf_string, PackageMap &package_map, RigidBodyTree *tree)
void AddRobotFromURDFString (const std::string &urdf_string, const std::string &root_dir, const DrakeJoint::FloatingBaseType floating_base_type, RigidBodyTree *tree)
 Adds a URDF model to a rigid body system. More...
void AddRobotFromURDFString (const std::string &urdf_string, PackageMap &package_map, const std::string &root_dir, const DrakeJoint::FloatingBaseType floating_base_type, std::shared_ptr< RigidBodyFrame > weld_to_frame, RigidBodyTree *tree)
 Adds a URDF model to a rigid body system. More...
void AddRobotFromURDF (const std::string &urdf_filename, RigidBodyTree *tree)
 Adds a URDF model to a rigid body system. More...
void AddRobotFromURDF (const std::string &urdf_filename, const DrakeJoint::FloatingBaseType floating_base_type, RigidBodyTree *tree)
 Adds a URDF model to a rigid body system. More...
void AddRobotFromURDF (const std::string &urdf_filename, const DrakeJoint::FloatingBaseType floating_base_type, std::shared_ptr< RigidBodyFrame > weld_to_frame, RigidBodyTree *tree)
 Adds a URDF model to a rigid body system. More...
void AddRobotFromURDF (const string &urdf_filename, PackageMap &package_map, const DrakeJoint::FloatingBaseType floating_base_type, std::shared_ptr< RigidBodyFrame > weld_to_frame, RigidBodyTree *tree)
std::shared_ptr< RigidBodyFrameMakeRigidBodyFrameFromURDFNode (const RigidBodyTree &tree, const tinyxml2::XMLElement &link, const tinyxml2::XMLElement *pose, const std::string &name)
 Manufactures a RigidBodyFrame from the given URDF link and pose XML nodes. More...