tinyxml2 Namespace Reference

Rigid Body Dynamics Engine Class Design (still needs to be implemented below) More...

Detailed Description

Rigid Body Dynamics Engine Class Design (still needs to be implemented below)

RigidBodyTree (isa System) Input: generalized forces (tau) Output: generalized state (q, v)

ContinuousTimeConstraintForce (isa Constraint) For forces that must be computed simultaneously with accelerations (not simply a function of state) Described as a vector phi(q, v, vdot, f)>=0, and forceJacobian(q) in terms of vdot Note: tau_constraint = forceJacobian(q)^T*f. also exposes an interface to be evaluated as phi(vdot, f)>=0, with the kinsol set as a parameter. Note that the complexity class of this constraint is likely to be simpler than of the original constraint. Example: position constraint: J(q)*vdot + Jdot*v - stabilization terms = 0. forceJacobian(q) = J // the jacobian of the position constraint Example: stick-slip frictional contact (as a set of nonlinear complementarity constraints imposing non-penetration + the friction cone)

TimeSteppingConstraintForce (isa Constraint) Writable as a vector phi(q, v, qn, vn, f)>=0. Note: tau_constraint = J^T(q)*f. Example: stick-slip frictional contact w/ a linearized friction code (as linear complementarity constraints)

Sensor (isa System) Input: generalized state Output: sensor reading (can have internal dynamics/state) Examples: FullStateSensor, Encoder, IMU, Lidar, ...

Actuator (isa System) (anything that applies forces which can be computed from the current state) Input: generalized state, input command Output: generalized force, tau_actuator (can have internal dynamics/state) Examples: GeneralizedForce, TorqueSource, SpatialForce, Linear Spring/Dampers, Aerodynamic Forces, ... Example: (no-stick) frictional contact: f_normal = max(-k*phi(q) - b*phidot(q, v), 0). f_tangent = min(b*norm(tangential_velocity), mu*f_normal) * tangential_velocity/norm(tangential_velocity). forceJacobian is the contact jacobian.

The value/importance of thinking of sensors and actuators as systems is that they can be implemented in a separate executable using the signal abstraction. Note, however, that there is efficiency to be gained by keeping it in the same executable thanks to the kinematics cache.

RigidBodySystem (isa System): a RigidBodyTree + a list of Actuators and Sensors + list of ContinuousTimeConstraintForces. Limited to sensors/actuators w/o discrete dynamics. adds the additional constraints: H(q) vdot + C(q, v) = tau_actuators(q, v) + tau_constraints(q, v, vdot, f). then solves for vdot and f, then computes qdot = vToQdot*v Input: Actuator inputs (only; does not include all generalized forces by default). Output: Sensor outputs (only; does not include the entire generalized state by default).

TimeSteppingRigidBodySystem (isa System, with purely discrete-time dynamics): a RigidBodyTree + a list of Actuators and Sensors + a list of TimeSteppingConstraintForces. Limited to sensors/actuators w/o continuous dynamics. adds the additional constraints: H(q) (vn-v)/h + C(q, v) = tau_actuators(q, v) + tau_constraints(q, v, qn, vn, f) then solves for vn and f using qn = q + h*vToQdot(q)*vn Input: Actuator inputs (only; does not include all generalized forces by default). Output: Sensor outputs (only; does not include the entire generalized state by default).