drakeUtil.cpp File Reference
#include "drake/util/drakeUtil.h"
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <stdexcept>
Include dependency graph for drakeUtil.cpp:


void baseZeroToBaseOne (std::vector< int > &vec)
double angleAverage (double theta1, double theta2)
template<typename DerivedTorque , typename DerivedForce , typename DerivedNormal , typename DerivedPoint >
std::pair< Eigen::Vector3d, doubleresolveCenterOfPressure (const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedTorque > &torque, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedForce > &force, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedNormal > &normal, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedPoint > &point_on_contact_plane)

Function Documentation

double angleAverage ( double  theta1,
double  theta2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void baseZeroToBaseOne ( std::vector< int > &  vec)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::pair<Eigen::Vector3d, double> resolveCenterOfPressure ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedTorque > &  torque,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedForce > &  force,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedNormal > &  normal,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedPoint > &  point_on_contact_plane 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: