This is the complete list of members for QPLocomotionPlan, including all inherited members.
createQPControllerInput(double t_global, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedQ > &q, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedV > &v, const std::vector< bool > &contact_force_detected) | QPLocomotionPlan | |
createQPControllerInput(double t_global, const MatrixBase< DerivedQ > &q, const MatrixBase< DerivedV > &v, const std::vector< bool > &contact_force_detected) | QPLocomotionPlan | |
getDuration() const | QPLocomotionPlan | |
getLastQPInput() const | QPLocomotionPlan | |
getRobot() const | QPLocomotionPlan | |
getStartTime() const | QPLocomotionPlan | |
isFinished(double t) const | QPLocomotionPlan | |
QPLocomotionPlan(RigidBodyTree &robot, const QPLocomotionPlanSettings &settings, const std::string &lcm_channel) | QPLocomotionPlan | |
setDuration(double duration) | QPLocomotionPlan | |
setStartTime(double start_time) | QPLocomotionPlan |