FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 > Member List

This is the complete list of members for FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >, including all inherited members.

dynamics(const ScalarType &t, const StateVector< ScalarType > &x, const InputVector< ScalarType > &u) const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
FeedbackSystem(const System1Ptr &_sys1, const System2Ptr &_sys2)FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
getInitialState(const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 > &sys)FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >friend
getNumInputs() const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
getNumOutputs() const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
getNumStates() const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
getSys1() const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
getSys2() const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
InputVector typedefFeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >
isDirectFeedthrough() const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
isTimeVarying() const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
output(const ScalarType &t, const StateVector< ScalarType > &x, const InputVector< ScalarType > &u) const FeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >inline
OutputVector typedefFeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >
StateVector typedefFeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >
StateVector1 typedefFeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >
StateVector2 typedefFeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >
System1Ptr typedefFeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >
System2Ptr typedefFeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >
util typedefFeedbackSystem< System1, System2 >