AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec > Member List

This is the complete list of members for AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >, including all inherited members.

AffineSystem(const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedA > &A, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedB > &B, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derivedxdot0 > &xdot0, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedC > &C, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedD > &D, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derivedy0 > &y0)AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >inline
dynamics(const ScalarType &t, const StateVector< ScalarType > &x, const InputVector< ScalarType > &u) const AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >inline
getNumInputs() const AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >inline
getNumOutputs() const AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >inline
getNumStates() const AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >inline
InputVector typedefAffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >
isDirectFeedthrough() const AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >inline
isTimeVarying() const AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >inline
output(const ScalarType &t, const StateVector< ScalarType > &x, const InputVector< ScalarType > &u) const AffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >inline
OutputVector typedefAffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >
StateVector typedefAffineSystem< StateVec, InputVec, OutputVec >